Perpetuum Mobile

A perpetuum mobile, a hypothetical machine that moves endlessly without an energy supply, is a miracle and clearly expresses the striving of a human to research the new, even the impossible. The production is dedicated to the 570th anniversary of the visionary, artist, architect, and inventor Leonardo da Vinci, who attempted to create a perpetuum mobile himself, but soon denied that it could be built. Although his genius placed him far ahead of his time, he was not able to create endless motion, but he nevertheless remained an assiduous searcher of the new and the excellent.

"We research the perpetuity of the movement and the infinity of new discoveries that were so dear to master da Vinci. We like to create something out of nothing – of merely our bodies."

Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia


The performance of Perpetuum Mobile impressed the audience

RADIO SLOVENIJA 1, 18/11/2022, EVENTS AND ECHOES, 15:53 ​​

Last night, an international cast of dancers led by the Polish-Slovenian dance couple Michal Rynia and Nastje Bremec Rynia premiered a dance narrative on the stage of the Slovenian National Theater in Nova Gorica.

The performance entitled Perpetuum Mobile, dedicated to the 570th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's birth, thrilled the audience. 

Loud, enthusiastic, and long-lasting applause followed the performance of 'Perpetuum Mobile,' which impressed the audience in Nova Gorica last night. The dance duo Michal Rynia and Nastja Bremec Rynia, through a dance narrative in their characteristic movement language, develop the idea of ​​the unstoppable movement of the body, driven by the creative force that also fueled the life and tireless creative work of the Renaissance genius Leonardo Vinci. An excellent selection of music, which offered endless possibilities of expression, the two creators imbued with repeated elements of their dance vocabulary, which echoed throughout the entire story and only found their fresh imprint in places. With a dance reenactment of themes that characterize the work of the Renaissance artist and were clearly recognizable to a large extent, the international cast of dancers successfully combined the vision of the past with modernity with an exceptionally technical and convincing performance. The entire theatrical design of the show has a thoughtful effect and supports creative thought. While certain aspects, like the representation of the Last Supper, stood out as particularly compelling, the nudity in the costume design may have been less impactful. Dance creators Michal Rynia and Nastja Bremec Rynia once again confirmed the exceptional quality of domestic dance production with the performance Perpetuum Mobile

KATJA OGRIN / 18. Nov 2022


Choreographers, Authors of Visual Image and Musical Selection Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia

Dramaturg Ana Kržišnik Blažica 
Light Designer Matjaž Bajc 
Sound Designer Matej Čelik 
Props Designer Gorazd Prinčič
Photographer Aljoša Kravanja, Damir Ipavec

Dancers Marco Arzenton, Noemi Capuano, Rebecca Moriondo, Nastja Bremec Rynia,Dalma Kitley, Francesco Misceo, Eri Nishibara, Robbie Pitt, Michal Rynia, Helén Tamaskó, Luka Vodopivec, Karelis Zambrano, Marta Lo Nigro

Production Zavod MN produkcija, MN Dance Company

Co-production SNG Nova Gorica, CD Ljubljana

Premiere 17 November 2022 at 8 p.m.

Artistic team

Ana Kržišnik Blažica

Michal Rynia

Nastja Bremec Rynia

Karelis Zambrano

Eri Nishibara

Francesco Misceo

Rebecca Moriondo

Helén Tamaskó

Marco Arzenton

Luka Vodopivec

Noemi Capuano

Matej Čelik

Matjaž Bajc

Marta Lo Nigro

Dalma Kitley

Robbie Pitt


The performance of Perpetuum Mobile impressed the audience

RADIO SLOVENIJA 1, 18/11/2022, EVENTS AND ECHOES, 15:53 ​​

Last night, an international cast of dancers led by the Polish-Slovenian dance couple Michal Rynia and Nastje Bremec Rynia premiered a dance narrative on the stage of the Slovenian National Theater in Nova Gorica.

The performance entitled Perpetuum Mobile, dedicated to the 570th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's birth, thrilled the audience. 

Loud, enthusiastic, and long-lasting applause followed the performance of 'Perpetuum Mobile,' which impressed the audience in Nova Gorica last night. The dance duo Michal Rynia and Nastja Bremec Rynia, through a dance narrative in their characteristic movement language, develop the idea of ​​the unstoppable movement of the body, driven by the creative force that also fueled the life and tireless creative work of the Renaissance genius Leonardo Vinci. An excellent selection of music, which offered endless possibilities of expression, the two creators imbued with repeated elements of their dance vocabulary, which echoed throughout the entire story and only found their fresh imprint in places. With a dance reenactment of themes that characterize the work of the Renaissance artist and were clearly recognizable to a large extent, the international cast of dancers successfully combined the vision of the past with modernity with an exceptionally technical and convincing performance. The entire theatrical design of the show has a thoughtful effect and supports creative thought. While certain aspects, like the representation of the Last Supper, stood out as particularly compelling, the nudity in the costume design may have been less impactful. Dance creators Michal Rynia and Nastja Bremec Rynia once again confirmed the exceptional quality of domestic dance production with the performance Perpetuum Mobile

KATJA OGRIN / 18. Nov 2022


Author: Drago Videmšek, Damir Ipavec, Aljoša Kravanja



"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Leonardo da Vinci